Variolink Catalyst


Variolink N is a dual-cure and light-cure luting composite for glass-ceramic, lithium disilicate glass-ceramic and composite resin restorations. The esthetic luting resin from the N-Cement Collection is characterized by a high radiopacity and harmonious shade spectrum.

The special amine-reduced cement Varliolink N LC produces optimum results, particularly in anterior teeth. This solely light-cure material enables very thin (< 2 mm) and highly translucent restorations to be seated esthetically. Variolink N LC is available in the following versions: Clear, +1 and +2.

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Variolink N is a dual-cure and light-cure luting composite for glass-ceramic, lithium disilicate glass-ceramic and composite resin restorations. The esthetic luting resin from the N-Cement Collection is characterized by a high radiopacity and harmonious shade spectrum.

The special amine-reduced cement Varliolink N LC produces optimum results, particularly in anterior teeth. This solely light-cure material enables very thin (< 2 mm) and highly translucent restorations to be seated esthetically. Variolink N LC is available in the following versions: Clear, +1 and +2.


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